A new noise reducing cabinet for the PT-TD300 tapped density and apparent density testing instrument is optionally available from PharmaTest. This new cabinet reduces noise inherent to the tapping mechanism of the instrument by up to 10 decibel down to 62 decibel compared to using the instrument without a cabinet (both measured at the same distance of 1 meter). Ten decibel is considered a noise reduction of 50% – which is an enormous noise reduction. The user interface remains fully accessible at all times while only the working area of the instrument is enclosed. The new cabinet has also a significantly better noise reducing effect and is also much more compact compared to the previously available noise reducing cabinet for the PT-TD300.

The new noise reducing cabinet is installed at factory level on order and no longer needs to be shipped in a seperate cardboard box, reducing the forwarding costs and risk of transport. In case the cabinet is ordered at a later time it is a simple process to upgrade an instrument on site. The base design of the PT-TD300 has been updated simultaneously to improve the noise dampening capabilities of the main instrument.

noise reducing cabinet for PT-TD300 Tap Denisity Tester
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