Dissolution Vessel Cleaning

It is important that dissolution vessels are clean prior to use. This is most relevant when using capsules that have sticky coatings. This is for two reasons: there may be contamination of the media which could lead to a high result or the tablet under test may stick to the vessel walls leading to a low result. This tends to show when using prednisone calibration tablets.

Any good laboratory detergent should work well for dissolution vessel cleaning. It can be used with hot water and a soft-bristled brush. Rinse with tap water (the hardness does a great job of removing soap residue) followed by a final rinse of purified water. It may also be necessary sometimes to use a towel wetted with methanol to remove really stubborn residues. This all works well but is tedious and very time consuming; Imagine you have to do several dissolution Tests in a day. Besides that you have to remove the dissolution vessels from the dissolution tester to be able to clean it thoroughly. Officialy every time a vessel is positioned in a tester its centering must be measured and the height of de paddle or basket must be validated.

dissolution vessel cleaning
Cleaning cycle

Users of the GLOSS DVC-24 dissolution vessel cleaning apparatus essentially eliminate the need to remove, clean, drain and reposition dissolution vessels in the same position.

The dissolution vessels are cleaned in place, as a result cleaning qualification is made possible. As vessels are washed in-place, productivity and efficiency in a dissoluton laboratory are greatly increased. In place washing also minimizes breakage and subsequent re-calibration thus further improving cost performance.

Emptying the waste tanks is easy by the builtin waste pump. While doing this the systems prepares itself for the next set of cleaning cycles.

For more information visit: www.prolyse.com


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