Dissolution Software Suite

dissolution software
Dissolution testing

WinDiss ARGUS – Dissolution software Suite is a revolutionary scientific dissolution data management software tool for instrument control and advanced data acquisition, management, processing and reporting – designed by users for users.

Whether you perform dissolution tests occasionally or many times each day ARGUS – Dissolution Software Version 2 will make you more productive in running tests and analyzing results with maximum flexibility and very user friendly software.

WinDiss ARGUS – Dissolution Software Suite Version 2 simplifies how you collect and report dissolution test results by letting you choose the analysis template that matches the way you work. Whether you are in a QC department concerned about data security, compliance and validation, or need maximum flexibility in the R&D area, ARGUS – Dissolution Software Version 2 can help your lab perform more efficiently.

Intuitive wizards help anyone in your lab work better – your next dissolution test is running in just a few clicks. WinDiss ARGUS – Dissolution Version 2 allows you to multi-task without using multiple software packages. You can acquire data and control a variety of instruments, including baths, pumps, auto samplers and spectrophotometers. You can apply advanced calibration algorithms such as MCA and PLS with an instant display of calculated data. You can deploy methods and report templates for common use.


  • Access dissolution data quickly using relational database technology
  • Correct turbidity in your spectra at a second wavelength or by second derivative
  • Analyze multi component drugs with models created by CAMO’s The Unscrambler
  • Drives spectrophotometers, baths and accessories of the market leaders
  • Controls oflline sampling, online measurement, fiber optics and even multiple baths systems
  • Allows seamless growth from single workstations to a dissolution laboratory network
  • Designed for a data-secured regulatory lab environment.

for more information about this dissolution software suite click here or www.pharma-test.de

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