Nanoparticle Size Analysis in In situ, Time resolved, process monitoring & kinetic synthesis studies.

On Oct 3rd and 4th Prolyse exhibits at the LabTechnology in Utrecht, Booth A23; David Jacob is present for Cordouan Technologies and gives both days a talk from 11:30 – 12:00hrs about above topic.

For three decades Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) has proven to be as a very efficient and powerful technique to characterize Nanoparticle size distribution in Liquids. Based on the measurement of scattered intensity fluctuations of particles, DLS can estimate accurately and in a simple manner the particle size distribution from 1 nm to 10µm range, in a matter of minutes.

Progress of lasers sources, detectors and computers has enabled reduction of size, price and significant improvement of performance of DLS instrumentation, leading to the wide spread use of the technique in research laboratories as a complementary tools to more costly alternative techniques such as SAXS and TEM. Currently a major hurdle to use DLS in process and kinetic synthesis monitoring is the need for batching samples in cuvettes, long measurement times and complex data interpretation. Hence a Paradigm shift is needed: “If you can’t bring the sample to the measurement, you need to bring the measurement to the sample!”

With this idea in mind, CORDOUAN has recently released a new generation of advanced DLS systems. Making use of innovative, remote optical fiber probes and time resolved correlation algorithms, we enable in situ and real time monitoring of size kinetic reactions and process control monitoring. During this presentation we will introduce you to the latest applications in this field using our new systems named “VASCO Flex” and “VASCO Kin”.

About David Jacob

David Jacob (49) holds a doctorate in lasers physics from the University of Rennes (1995) and a diploma in aeronautics (ENSAE 1991). David Jacob is Technical Director of Cordouan Technologies (Pessac, 33). He has over 20 years of industry experience in the design and industrialization of optoelectronic systems; Since 2007 he has been in charge of the development and industrialization activities of the products of physico-chemical analysis marketed by Cordouan technologies . Cordouan is a SME company specialized in the design, manufacture and marketing of innovative instruments dedicated to the physico-chemical characterization (size, load, shape) of nanoparticles and nano-materials for fundamental research laboratories and industrial applications And optimization of online production processes, quality control, R & D). David Jacob represents Cordouan Technologies on two AFNOR standardization committees at the national level (AFNOR / X457 Nanotechnologies commission) and internationally (ISO / TC 24 / SC 4 & ISO / TC 229). He is also a member of the Nanometrology club.

see labtechnology

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